So these are the ginger bread houses that me and Chels and my mom did during December. We decided to gowith a beach theme this year. It is a Christmas Tradition of ours to make a monstrous ginger bread house but we each made our own and put them together this year. The Light house is made around a lamp and that was how we got the light inside. We had a blast, and can't wait to start on the one for this year. Just thought I would share some of those pics with you guys. BTW the sand is brown sugar, and instead of making mine only out of candy I tried to do a cracker theme and dried bananas. The Charcoal in the fire pit is crushed up oreos and the stoops around it are reeses. The palm tree is made of cocoanut coated marshmallows and the leaves are an apple fruit roll up. Anyways, it is way fun.
I love the houses, you gals are so creative.
this is Katie
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