Thursday, January 22, 2009

Ginger Bread Houses Dec. 08'

So these are the ginger bread houses that me and Chels and my mom did during December. We decided to gowith a beach theme this year. It is a Christmas Tradition of ours to make a monstrous ginger bread house but we each made our own and put them together this year. The Light house is made around a lamp and that was how we got the light inside. We had a blast, and can't wait to start on the one for this year. Just thought I would share some of those pics with you guys. BTW the sand is brown sugar, and instead of making mine only out of candy I tried to do a cracker theme and dried bananas. The Charcoal in the fire pit is crushed up oreos and the stoops around it are reeses. The palm tree is made of cocoanut coated marshmallows and the leaves are an apple fruit roll up. Anyways, it is way fun.

Monday, January 19, 2009


So school is already stressful and a bore. But I am looking forward to a few of my classes. So that is nice. Not much going on though, I just feel like I haven't put anything on here in a while. So here are a few updates.

Josh: He finished his bachelors in Decmeber. YAY! So he is applying for jobs all over the country. We are praying to stay here, but we will go wherever the lord wants us, so we will see where we will end up. He is enjoying just hanging out and only working instead of school and work.

Alies: I took the praxis this past week and I am applying for the Elementary Ed program at the U for this fall. I want to be student teaching this fall, but with the whole not knowing where I am going to be has me up in the air about everything. But I am figuring to just keep doing things as I had planned incase we do stay here. Still waitressing and hating it, I can't wait to be a teacher.

Family: Mom and mike and andrea are moving home from Australia in March. So that should be fun. We are taking over the basement because we don't want to get stuck in a lease incase we are moving. We might keep the basement while I am student teaching and Josh is getting his masters this fall just so that we won't have to worry so much about money.

Koleby: that dog can't stay out of the freakin' garbage no matter what kind of negative reinforcement that I give him. If you have any ideas for punishment besides killing him Please let me know.

Life: Life is good. I want babies, and I can't wait for my mom to come home.