So I will admit it, I have now seen Twilight 5 times. It is sooo good and I could seriously see it 80 more and be just as enthralled. One thing that I have noticed though is that some people, when asked if they have read it say "NO, and I refuse!" Or think that if they read it they are being hypocritical (ie Josh). If there is such a big following for the books, and so many fans, obviously they are pretty good books, and why knock them if you haven't even looked into reading them specifically because you believe it to be a FAD???? SO LAME! Anyways, I think Twilight it great, and I have read the books twice so far going on three times. If you still haven't read it yet you really need to, and if you want to borrow my precious copies to read it, just let me know. Or if you have read them, and haven't seen the movie yet, Let's GO! yay!
Other news... things are going ok. My mom went back to Australia and won't be back for six more months which really sucks. However, Heavenly father has blessed me with another dream where we went garage saling. We had a blast and went to Coachman's for soup after. I know Heavenly father knows who I am and I am grateful he knows what I need -time with my mom, even if it is in a dream.
I am stoked for Christmas even if I am only getting new garments and my Kidney bills paid off. YAY for Christmas when you are married!!! No it is still fun, and thanks to modern medicine and antibiotics I am alive for christmas, so that is a great gift.
So, I can't tell if this comment was directed at me, but if it was, I will tell you ONE MORE TIME...I HAVE BEEN TAKING 19 CREDITS AT SCHOOL, WORKING 20 HOURS A WEEK, DOING A CLINICAL 30 HOURS A SEMESTER, AND VOLUNTEERING AT CAPSA. I don't have time to do most of my homework let a lone read anything I want to. So there. I could care less that it is a "fad". I've never been one to swim against the stream in extremes. But I do love you, and once I have time, I bet I will love and enjoy all of the Twilight books.
Wow they must be good books, I'm not much into reading so I haven't read them. I had no idea about your kidney, did you have surgery? I am glad that all is well! Tell Mel I want to be invited to her site, I'd love to see what's going on with her!
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