I even went shopping for some teacher clothes cuz target had five 75% off racks today. And I got 2 really cute shirts for under $10. And they were medium and small, not EXTRA LARGE. So that felt really nice too.
Chlesea asked me the other day "Wouldn't it suck if this were all a dream, and we woke up tomorrow and were all chubby again?" It just is so fast! I have lost 33 pounds in a little over a month!!!!! It almost does seem like a dream. And I never want to be that big again. It is scary to even imagine gaining all of it back. I am even reading a diet book I got at the DI a while back called, "I'll Never Be Fat Again" by Carole Livingston-Stuart. It has some great ideas in it and reccomend it to anyone who is doing a major diet, especially the HCG. She gives a life change approach to keeping the weight off and tells it how it is... HARD.

Well here are a few more recipes.....
Bunless Burger
3 0z of extra lean ground beef
1/2 red onion
iceberg/ bib lettuce
1 Tomato
Grill the hamburger as a patty, and serve with the vegetables.
Here are some types hamburgers you can create:
Here are some types hamburgers you can create:
Phase 2 options
Blue Cheese Stuffed Burgers

Sprinkle of Worstichire sauce
Minced onion
blue cheese crumbles
Salt and Pepper
Mix the meat with the onion, sauce and salt and pepper. Then stuff the blue cheese crumbles inside of the patty when you are molding the meat into patties. (This sounds so freakin' amazing, I can't wait to be on phase 2)
Another idea Carmalize yellow onion cut into rings in your frying pan and top them on your burger.
So it isn't letting me copy paste on here and I am tired, but if you look at Rachel Ray's site in Recipes under burgers she has a lot of great ideas for spices, and other ingreadients that you can add to your burger to make it aweome. http://http//www.rachaelray.com/food_results.php?kID=38
One great idea I saw was to make a spinich artichoke burger with spinich in the patty topped with artichoke hearts and a slice of melted provalone???? Can you say yum? oha man
Well then there is the idea that came from work. I was watching a girl make the Bruscetta pasta and decided that I am going to try to make my own bruscetta tomorrow and put it on the melba toast crusted yogurt chicken that I put on here a while back. If it is good I will post that recipe.
But today I tried making some battered baked Zucchini with the same melba toast/ yogurt idea and it was really good. So here you go
Battered Baked Zuchini

1 small Zucchini
2 Tablespoons of plain fat free yogurt
1 Melba Toast ( you can find these at Harmons, or Smiths, Albertsons too.)
Salt and Pepper
Slice the zucchini into lengthwise strips or coins and coat in yogurt. Place on a piece of wax paper on a cookie sheet. Sprinkle with Melba toast crumbs and Salt and pepper. Bake at 375 F until the zuchini is tender.
I used to go to Astro burger all the time and get the deep fried battered zucchini. So this was a nice way to satisfy that craving.
I will be posting the phase 2 cocoanut oil ideas I found probablly tomorrow or sunday.
Question: has anyone tried making a cake or brownies out of black beans? I am thinking of trying it? Any ideas or recipes would be great. Thanks
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